It all began in July 4, 2009 when a group of seven (7) Master Masons; namely: Luvimindo C. Otic, his brother Jose who are both members of Narra 171; Restituto A. Abad of Palayan City 331 ;Bartolome C. Valencia of Nueva Vizcaya 144; Danilo A. Crespo and Eriel B. Bumatay of Pantabangan-Bonari 203 and Napoleon A. de Gracia of Molave 261 who are all residents of Carranglan, Nueva Ecija assembled and espoused on the idea to form a Lodge it this municipality. Determined to carry out such plan, Bro. Luvimindo C. Otic, Municipal Mayor of the said town immediately took the initiative to prepare the communication and dispatched an invitation to would-be members of the new Lodge intended to be formed. The meeting was set on Friday July 10, 2009; at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon at the Municipal Building Conference Room.
On the appointed date and time, five (5) other brethren; namely: WB Edward Joseph I. lniwan and Bro. Ronaldo L. Corpuz - both from Molave 261; Reimond F. Ramirez of San Jose City 309; Alberto 0. Burdeos of Teodoro M. Kalaw Memorial 136; and this representation joined the above-named brethren and had the first caucus was made, thereby giving birth to a new Lodge which by virtue of a suggestion made by Bro. Jose C. Otic will bear the name Kadanglaan Lodge.
The group of 12 again agreed to have its second Meeting on July 17 at the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology Annex at Barangay Digdig of the same town.
In spite of a typhoon, the second meeting was held as agreed and was attended by 17 brethren who have been informed of the proceedings of the earlier meeting. It was at this juncture that the body has, by virtue of an election, voted the Charter Master in the person of WB Redentor M. Laureta, PM of Pantabangan-Bonari Lodge 203; Bro. Luvimindo C. Otic, Senior Warden; Bro. Restituto A. Abad, Junior Warden; Bro. Eriel B. Bumatay, Treasurer; WB Edward Joseph I. lniwan, Secretary; and WB Manuel S. Tambalque, Sr., Auditor. It was agreed that the Appointed Officers be named in its next meeting.
Consequential to the election of the Charter Master, and who, upon his suggestion, the body unanimously agreed that the stated meeting of the Lodge being formed, if ever instituted, will hold its Stated Meeting on the SECOND FRIDAY of each month at 1:30 o' clock in the afternoon.
It was at this meeting where Bro. Restituto Abad, Junior Warden elect donated a 625 sq. m parcel of lot for the proposed Temple while Bro. Rogelio C. Palomo donated a 1,000 sq. m parcel of lot for special purposes.
On August 2, the body had its 3rd meeting at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon at Magellan Restaurant in San Jose City for the purpose of completing the Lodge Officers; namely:
Worshipful Master WB Redentor M. Laureta
Senior Warden Bro. Luvumindo C. Otic
Junior Warden Bro. Restituto A. Abad
Treasurer Bro. Eriel B. Bumatay
Secretary WB Edward Joseph I. Iniwan
Auditor WB Manuel S. Tambalaque, Sr.
Chaplain Bro. Herminigildo Tabares
Marshal Bro. Manuel G. Tambalaque, Sr.
Senior Deacon Bro. Danilo A. Crespo
Junior Deacon Rhomel A. Martinez
Senior Steward Bro. Napoleon A. De Gracia
Junior Steward Bro. Michael M. Valenzuela
Organist Bro. Bartolome C. Valencia
Lecturer VW Virgilio N. Catbagan, Jr.
Orator WB Maximo B. Ancheta, Jr.
Almoner Bro. Rogelio C. Palomo
Tyler WB Thristian B. Escudero
Harmony Officer WB Cristino C. Castillo
It was also at this meeting where the brethren have paid, either in part or in full, their Charter Membership fees.
The meetings held on August 16 and 30 were very significant in as much as it was the said caucuses were highlighted by the compliance of the Lodge Paraphernalia, Furniture and Ornaments required by the GLP. Moreover, it was in the meeting of August 30, with most of the requirements complied with and accomplished, the brethren have agreed to make a strong representation to travel and submit the documents to the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines.
On September 9, 2009, determined to fulfill their ambitious plot to form a new Lodge, thirteen brethren representing the Kadanglaan Lodge of the Municipality of Carranglan, Province of Nueva Ecija traveled a southerly direction to submit what is being required of the GLP and upon arriving on the spot; had been privileged to have an audience with the MW Danilo D. Angeles, Grand Secretary and the Grand Master himself, MW Peter U. Lim Lo Suy; both of whom extended their words of congratulations to the delegation and espoused on the idea of commitment and dedication among the brethren for Freemasonry to flourish.
It was on this occasion, while at the GLP where the representation of Kadanglaan Lodge learned that there still are other requirements to be accomplished and that by force of circumstance, and at the exigency of the service, twelve of the brethren have unanimously voted for WB Ramon L. Sabacan as the Secretary-elect.
The recent tum of events prompted the Charter Master to call for yet another meeting on September 13, which took place at Maharlika Restaurant at Caanawan, San Jose City wherein the brethren have been informed of the additional requirements each one should and must comply; and that if ever the same will be complied with, a representation from the Lodge shall submit the same to the GLP on September 18. Such plan did not materialized, however, due to unforeseen circumstances, in spite of the efforts exerted by Bro. Eriel B. Bumatay - Treasurer and WB Ramon L. Sabacan. The trip to the Grand Lodge, on order of the Charter Master and upon the consent of the Grand Secretary had been set for September 23, 2009; at which time the birth of this Lodge shall be decided upon.