The FLIGHT, of time is often unnoticed, & to our astonishment in a short span of an hour the sands contained in the GLASS are all exhausted, forever lost & irretrievable. Sooner or later, the deeds worthy of memory & emulation are left unsung even by the poetry of the age by which it shone. It is but fitting to keep a record in the archives for the following generations to read & learn about the patience, perseverance & the labors of the brethren who pioneered the formation of what is now know as the DPWH PLUMB & LEVEL CLUB, INC. The following is a brief account based on available data. “In every country & in every clime are masons to be found”. This is also true in all regions under the Department of Public Works & Highways. For quite sometimes there were brethren who contrived & looked forward to that day when brethren within the confines of DPWH shall be able to meet in harmony & promote the work of the Craft outside their respective Lodges. That time came one evening of 7 April 1999, in an informal meeting of caucus held a place in INTRAMUROS, Manila & it was this meeting that the brethren named the group the SQUARE & COMPASS CLUB of DPWH & decided to meet thereon every Tuesday of the month at 6:00 in the evening. In 2 April 2001 during the regular meeting the group decided to rename the clue, THE DPWH PLUMB & LEVEL CLUB, INC. On the 10th of May 2005, the brethren decided the formation of INTRAMUROS LODGE UNDER & DISPENSATION to be comprised mostly of brethren from the DPWH PLUMB & LEVEL CLUB, INC. as it charter members, & the stated meeting every 3rd Friday of the month.
The cable-tow encircled around on its signifies the duties of among the brethren the never ending internal & external affairs in the extension of helping hands among masons in particular & to the community in general. The 17 stars represent the entire of the country. From northern parts of Luzon islands going down to VISAYAS Islands & the entire islands of Mindanao where the brethren came from & convened wholeheartedly & desired to form a lodge. The inner circle represents the inner guard of the lodge. His duty is to remind the brethren that any uncertain misunderstanding among the brethren will be resolved within the members of the lodge in general. The wall-INTRAMUROS- signifies the beginning of our Philippine civilization & the opening of the world in establishing our ancient fraternity in the country; where our Filipino heroes became members of the craft. THE SQUARE & COMPASSES,. The square reminds us among masons our action will be bounded within the square. The Compasses reminds us that our hearts are circumscribed with our duty to God & to our country. The letter “G” represents our belief to the Supreme Being, that no one is to be admitted to the fraternity without these words. “In whom do you put your trust”.