Indang Lodge No. 115
The Name
Indang Lodge was named after the town in the province of Cavite where it is situated. Indang or indan is a local name for Artocarpis cumingiana, a tall tree, the boiled bark of which provides a remedy for stomachaches. It is said that the indan tree grew predominantly in the locality during the 17th century.
The Lodge
The acknowledged father of Indang Lodge is Ceferino Purisima, District Superintendent of Schools, who tried to propagate Masonic teachings in every town and province where he was assigned. He broached the idea of organizing a lodge in Indang, Cavite in the hall of Bagong Buhay Lodge No. 17, Cavite City, in 1938 and gained the support of the Master of the lodge, Agustin Galang, and all its members.
On November 27, 1938, an organizational meeting was held at the Home Economics Building of the Indang Rural High School, now known as Don Severino Agricultural College (DSAC). Twenty-seven brethren representing several lodges in Cavite attended the meeting, presided by Galang. Twenty-six of the 27 signed a petition for dispensation to organize a new lodge in Indang. They also elected the following as officers of the lodge: Ceferino Purisima, Master; Marcelino Constantino, Senior Warden; and Menandro Vida, Junior Warden and A. Galang, Acting Secretary.
On January 25, 1939, Grand Master James Clark issued the requested dispensation. On February 25, 1939, the lodge held its first official meeting under dispensation. By popular ballot, Eliseo Tayao (48) was elected Treasurer, while VW Agustin Galang (17) was chosen to be the Secretary. The following were appointed: WB Francisco Llamado (17) Chaplain; Bro. Vicente Jeciel (15), Marshal; Bro. P. Custodio Wagelie (17), Senior Deacon; Bro. Primitivo Grepo, Junior Deacon; WB Juan Hernandez (49), Senior Steward; Bro. Jose Colina (17) , Junior Steward; WB Sabas Alcid (29), Organist; and Bro. Bernardo Ragan (29), Tyler and Custodian of the Lodge.
During the period that the lodge was under dispensation, it received 23 petitions for membership. Seventeen of the petitioner received the degrees, but only 3 of them, all residents of Indang, were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.
At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge in January 1940, specifically on January 24, 1940, the lodge was granted a charter. The following month, on February 24, 1940, the lodge was duly constituted and its officers installed by a team of Masonic dignitaries led by Grand Master Jose de los Reyes.
When the Great Pacific War broke out in 1941, Indang Lodge was forced to temporarily close, but the war did not dampen the Masonic spirit of the members. As soon as peace was restored, the members reestablished Indang Lodge. In 1945, they rented the house of De las Alas at the corner of San Gregorio and Calderon Streets where they held their meetings. Two years later, they transferred their meeting place to the house of Eufracio Avilla at the corner of San Gregorio rid Balagtas Streets. In 1948, the members erected their first Masonic Temple at Plaridel Street. This edifice served as the home of Indang Lodge No. 115 for almost 30 years.
Because of the impeccable reputation of the members of the craft in Indang, membership increased to a point where the Old Temple became too small to accommodate those attending the meetings. They disposed of their Temple in 1976 and transferred temporarily to the Vocational Agriculture Building at DSAC. Construction of a new Temple on a lot at Green Valley Subdivision donated by Bro. Felix Baeson started in the early part of 1977 under the leadership of WB Petronio Vicedo. Though the new Temple was far from complete, the brethren proudly installed their officers for Masonic Year 1978 in this building. The building has since become the second permanent home of Indang Lodge No. 115.
Indang Lodge No. 115, has so far hosted several District Conventions, and supported deserving scholars in their pursuit of higher learning. It has also sponsored free medical and dental clinics for indigents, waged campaigns against drug abuse, undertaken tree planting activities, improved the Bonifacio Shrine Limbon and sponsored a Math Olympiad for high school students in upland Cavite.
With determined leaders and dedicated support from the members, Indang Lodge No. 115 looking to the future with confidence and a strong conviction in its ability to exemplify the ideals of Masonry and further serve the upland communities of Cavite through the MASONIC WAY.
Location: Indang, Cavite