Iligan Lodge No. 207
The Name
Named after the City Gilligan which means "the place of descent." It is also claimed that Iligan is derived from the Higaunon word "iligan" or "ilijin" meaning " fortress of defense" against frequent attacks by pirates and other hostile Mindanao tribes.
The Lodge
Lanao Masonry grew in terms of lodges and membership. Maranao Lodge No. 111 at first endeavored to extend Masonry to nearby areas outside Lanao. It mothered a lodge in Ozamiz City (Mt. Malindang Lodge No. 130), which was constituted on April 19, 1952 and another in Pagadian City (Pagadian Lodge No. 153), which was constituted on May 29, 1959. These lodges, in turn, mothered lodges in Oroquieta, Dipolog and other places in the succeeding years.
In the 1970's, the roster of Maranao Lodge No. 111 had grown so big that a good number of brethren thought it was high time to establish other Masonic lodges in the locality. It was also felt that it was becoming more and more difficult for interested persons to enter Maranao Lodge No. 111. Accordingly, thirty Master Masons in good standing decided to form a new lodge in Iligan City. They petitioned the Grand Lodge for a dispensation and on February 14, 1975, Grand Master John 0. Wallace rewarded them with the requested dispensation. At the annual communication held the following April, the Grand Lodge found strong evidence indicating that the lodge had a viable existence, so it granted the lodge a charter. On June 30, 1975, the new Grand Master, Teodoro V. Kalaw, Jr., with the assistance of RW Jose L. Araneta, RW Desiderio Dalisay, VW Gregorio 0. Calit, VW Aniceto Belisario, WB Johnny Wilson and other Masonic dignitaries, opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge in Iligan City and proceeded to constitute Iligan Lodge No. 207. Immediately thereafter, the officers of the lodge were installed, to wit:
Worshipful Master - VWB Gerardo B. Padilla
Senior Warden - WB Juan B. Escarda
Junior Warden - VW Moises F. Dalisay, Sr.
Treasurer - VW Camilo G. EmOeo
Secretary - VW Gervasio J. Riconella
The first born of Iligan Lodge No. 20 7 was Bro. Rizal I. Reyes, who was initiated on July 11, 1975, passed on August 08, 1975 and raised on August 22, 1975.
Iligan Lodge takes pride in the quality of men it had produced who come from almost all walks of life.
Location: Iligan City