INSPIRED, by his GREATNESS, and DEED, by his ADVOCACY founded on PEACE and HARMONY which are the bedrock of our Craft, a group of Masons rose to the challenge of emulating his ideas, by establishing a lodge in his memory. The core group led by the brethren of King Solomon Lodge 150 (MD NCR-G) formalized the organization of the lodge wherein it will cater the City of TAGUIG. This was followed by successive meetings together with completion of the requirements a petition for dispensation was then drafted by and was recommended to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines which was approved on February 07, 2009.WB PERFECTO M. PASCUA, as the Lodge Master (UD); Bro. Enrique B. TURARAY, Jr., Senior Warden and Bro. RAYNOR B. RESURRECCION, Junior Warden. The lodge suffered its first birth pain when Bro. Enrique B. TURARAY announced that he won’t be able to finish his term of office due to health condition. Bro. RAYNOR Stanley B. RESURRECCION was ascended to the Senior Warden position while Bro. Fernando Romeo Z. AUSTIACO Jr. took his place as Junior Warden. The first candidate to receive the sublime degree of a master mason in the lodge was Bro. Dennis G. BURCER which ensued on October 10, 2009. The Lodge Charter was granted on June 11, 2010 making HADJI BUTU RASUL Lodge No. 393 the 11th regular lodge of Masonic District NCR-G.
Looking back at the pages of our rich heritage and history, there was this great man who stood tall during his lifetime in search of peace and harmony among his people, diverse in religion and beliefs. His name was HADJI BUTU RASUL. Among the traits he exhibited were the love for peace and unity, and desire for learning and education. At 16, he served as the youngest Prime Minister of the Sultanate of Sulu and acted as secretary of war and generalissimo of the sultanate and played the lead role in the transformation of Sulu archipelago from a region of murder pillage to progress and industry. The first Muslim to sit in the Philippine Senate wherein the first bill he sponsored in the Senate provided for the establishment of the Philippine Military Academy, Philippine Naval Academy and for the ROTC in colleges. A sincere advocate of Filipino, nationalism,- one country, one people, one flag. The first Muslim, to join our revered, Craft.