Graciano O. Lopez-Jaena Lodge No. 194
The Name
This lodge was named in honor of Graciano Lopez Jaena, a leader of the Propaganda Movement in Spain and founder and editor of the propaganda organ, "La Solidaridad." Lopez Jaena fled to Spain in 1880 to avoid persecution for his satirical essay "Fray Botod," a literary piece that portrayed the abuses, ignorance and immorality of the priests during his time. He succumbed to tuberculosis in Barcelona, Spain on January 20, 1896.
Lopez Jaena was initiated in 1882 in Logia Porvenir No. 2 under the Gran Oriente de Espana. He co-founded Logia Solidaridad and Logia Revolucion, both in Barcelona, Spain.
The Lodge
Twenty-six members of Iloilo Acasia Lodge No. 11 and Kalantiao Lodge No. 187 organized this lodge in Sara, Iloilo. Grand Master Shepley issued them a dispensation to form the lodge on November 12, 1970. At the annual communication held in April 1970, the Committee of Charters recommended the issuance of a charter to the lodge based on its finding that the lodge had been working regularly, had passed two brothers and had several applicants on the trestle board. The Grand Lodge approved the recommendation and assigned the number 194 to Graciano Lopez Jaena Lodge.
The lodge was constituted on October 2, 1971 by MW Damaso C. Tria with the following first set of officers: Bros. Aurelio T. Lopez, Panfilo Enojas and Claro V. de Leon as Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, respectively.
Because of the distance of the seat of the lodge from Iloilo City, most of its founding members could not regularly attend the stated meetings leaving but a determined few to carry on the burden. Only a few years ago the lodge was so depleted of members that it almost had to close. But with the assistance of other lodges and the perseverance of the few remaining members, the lodge managed to survive.
Location: Sara, Iloilo