Gov. Eduardo L. Joson Memorial Lodge No.326
The Name
Named in honor of Eduardo L. Joson who was the governor of Nueva Ecija for over thirty years, the longest reigning governor of the province since its founding as a military district or comandancia by Spanish Governor General Fausto Cruzat y Gongora in 1705. Joson never lost an election in a political
career that spanned over forty years. Initiated into the mysteries of Masonry on October 13, 1945, in Nueva Ecija Lodge No. 73, Joson was a loyal member of the lodge till his death on August 8,1990 at the age of 71 years. In 1976 Joson was made a life member of his lodge.
The Lodge
It all started as a dream, nay, a vision, and inspired by the Masonic adage of "growth and prosperity." The visionaries were led by DDGM Isidro G. Lapuz. The setting was in Poblacion East, in the house of Bro. Geraldy H. Madarang. The other actors were Bros. Raul Elfeo M. Villacorta, Rodolfo N. Orejana, and Jose G. Manalang, Jr. all members of Memorial Lodge No. 90, F. & A.M.
They were all convinced of the need for another lodge in Masonic District No. 33. The senior Master Masons, namely VW Antonio P. Pascual, PDDGM, WB Pedro S. de Guzman, PM, WB Antonio Ll. Paguia, Jr., PM, WB Marcelo S. de Jesus, PM, WB Efren E. Pulido, PM, WB Ely C. Gaspar, PM, Bro. Elfeo V. Villacorta, and Bro. Raul D. Divina favored the idea and called for an organizational meeting that was held on August 7, 1988 at the Multi-Purpose Hall of the Muñoz National High School.
It was agreed to name the proposed lodge in honor of the late Brother Gov. Eduardo L. Joson, who had been dubbed as "the Gentle Lion and patriarch of the Province of Nueva Ecija." "Tatang," as the Novo Ecijanos, particularly the masses, fondly called him, has left indelible legacies in the province in over four decades of public service.
With the favorable recommendation of DDGM Enrico G. Divina, Memorial Lodge No.90, San Jose City Lodge No. 309, E. R. Dizon Lodge No.321, and Gen Manuel Tinio Lodge No. 167, thirty Master Masons requested for the permission of the Grand Lodge to form Gov. Eduardo L. Joson Memorial Lodge in Muñoz, Nueva Ecija. Grand Master Enrique L. Locsin gave them a dispensation on October 2, 1998 and named Pedro S. de Guzman to be the Dispensation Master, Sofronio M. Lamson, the Senior Warden and Raul Elfeo M. Villacorta, the Junior Warden. On the same day, MW Locsin instituted the lodge at the CLSU-BFAR with Governor Tomas N. Joson, the son of Eduardo, as the guest of honor.
At the annual communication in April 1999, the Grand Lodge granted a charter to the lodge and it became Gov. Eduardo L. Joson Lodge No. 326. On July 17, 1999, Grand Master Franklin J. Demonteverde formally constituted the lodge in ceremonies held at the CLSU Alumni Center in Muñoz, Nueva Ecija. Immediately thereafter the charter officers were installed in public ceremonies where Gov. Tomas Joson was again the guest of honor. Installed into office were Julius S. Viray, Worshipful Master; Tereso A. Abella, Senior Warden; and Raul Elfeo M. Villacorta, Junior Warden.
After the term of WB Julius S. Viray, the brethren elected Bro. Tereso A. Abella, the Dean of College of Fisheries of CLSU, as the next Worshipful Master who continued carrying on the torch of the newly-born lodge into the new millennium.
During WB T. A. Abella's term, the following were raised to the Sublime degree of Masonry: Bro. Marcelo M. Roquel, Jr., Bro. Felomino V. Mamuad, Bro. Rafael S. Villacorta, Bro. Nelson A. Manuel and Bro. Alexander George P. Pacheco. Passed to Fellowcrafts were Bros. Rommelito M. Muncal, Raymund D. Paguia and Flor Amor B. Monta.
Though still in its infancy, Gov. Eduardo L Joson Memorial Lodge has already chalked up several notable accomplishments and it still has other activities in store for those in need of help. Herculean efforts are being exerted to erect a Temple for the lodge.
Location: Muñoz, Nueva Ecija