Gonzaga Lodge No. 66
The Name
This lodge was named after Gracio Gonzaga, one of the organizers of Masonry in Northern Luzon, who was the Secretary of Finance in President Aguinaldo's Cabinet and later provincial governor of Cagayan Province, where this lodge is located.
The Lodge
In January 1920, twelve Master Masons, all residents of Tuguegarao, Cagayan de Luzon, led by Provincial Governor Fermin Macanaya, Provincial Treasurer Ceferino R. Dino and Dr. Jose F. Quinto, Sr. requested the Grand Lodge of PI for a dispensation to open a lodge in Cagayan to be named Gonzaga Lodge, in honor of Gracio Gonzaga. The petition was hand carried by Bro. Gumila Carag to Manila and on November 26, 1920, Grand Master Rafael Palma issued the dispensation. At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge on January 25, 1921, it granted a charter to Gonzaga Lodge and assigned to it number 66.
On April 23, 1921, upon invitation of the members of Gonzaga Lodge, Grand Master Edwin E. Elser went to Tuguegarao with a team from the Grand Lodge to constitute the lodge and install its first set of officers under charter. Installed were Gov. Macanaya, Master; Dr. Jose F. Quinto, Sr., Senior Warden; Ceferino R. Dino, Junior Warden; and Jose Liquigan, Secretary. The ceremonies were conducted in public and were preceded by a parade of all Masons around the town. The parade started a 5:00 p.m. from the Provincial Government Building and ended at the Tuguegarao Central School Building where the activities took place. Following the ceremonies, Gov. Macanaya, Dr. Victoriano Luna, Former Governor Honorio Lasam, Representative and Brother Miguel Concepcion, and Grand Master Elser delivered speeches.
From the time of its constitution up to the outbreak of the Second World War, Gonzaga Lodge registered a steady growth. Well-known citizens in the community, such as Representative Marcelo Adduru and Representative Sabas Casibang swelled its ranks. It also spread the teachings and tenets of the Craft to the other towns of Cagayan.
As a consequence of the Second World War, Gonzaga Lodge was thrown into darkness for four years. One of the casualties of that war was Bro. Victoriano Luna, in whose honor the V. Luna Memorial Hospital was later named and who was the first Medical Chief of the Army. He died during the bombing by the Japanese of Mariveles, Bataan.
After the liberation of the Philippines from the Japanese occupation forces, seventeen surviving members reconstituted the lodge on October 26, 1946, namely: Juan B. Pagulayan, Lorenzo de Leon, Roque Taguba., Juan N. Diego, Hilario de Yro, Estanislao B. Pagulayan, Guadalupe Bayuga, Marcelo Paguyu, Agustin Balisi, Simeon Sorita, Pedro M. Gammad, Perfecto P. Lingad, David Romero, Pedro Turingan, Bernardino Pagalilaun, Bonifacio Mequi and Buenaventura Marcelo.
Beginning with practically nothing, holding meetings in a rented house with no equipment and paraphernalia to work with, Gonzaga Lodge was able to increase its membership to 43 active members within six years. As the lodge was gradually rehabilitated, the brethren turned their attention to the construction of a Temple on their over 1,000 sq. m. lot which they acquired before the war. With the proceeds from the war damage claims and contributions from well-to-do members, the plans for the building were laid out. Construction started during the term of WB Perfecto B Lingan and work was placed under the supervision of Bro. Jose M. Torres, an engineer. The Temple was finally completed on December 31, 1951. Thirty years later, however, it had to be renovated. After the work was finished in 1985, Grand Master Pedro W. Guerzon rededicated the Temple on September 22, 1985. The Temple is now also the home of Tirso H. Gador Chapter, Order of DeMolay, and Tuguegarao Court No. 32, Order of the Amaranth.
Today, Gonzaga Lodge No. 66, continues its labors, as well as its socio-civic projects for the benefit of the community. It also takes every opportunity to propagate the precepts of Masonry. In 1995 the lodge entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources over a 8.5 hectares reforestation area. The lodge is now developing it into a Masonic Tree Park and mini-resort. All candidates for degrees are required to plant ten trees per degree conferred upon them.
Location: Tuguegarao, Cagayan