Glicerio A. Lim Sr. Memorial Lodge No. 222
The Name
This lodge was first named after the Kapatagan Valley in Lanao del Norte Province, where the town of Baroy is located. The once famous EDCOR is in Kapatagan Valley. Kapatagan, in Tagalog, means a "wide space of level land". The lodge was renamed Glicerio A. Lim Sr. Memorial Lodge in 1992 in honor of its first Worshipful Master and undoubtedly the prime mover in the creation of the lodge.
The Lodge
The members of Maranaw Lodge No. 111, after successfully establishing Iligan Lodge No. 207, next set their sights at creating another lodge, but this time at the outskirts of the city. In close coordination with the members of the latter lodge and the members of Salug Valley Lodge No. 216, Bernardo A Neri Memorial Lodge No. 214, Mt. Malindang Lodge No. 130 and other lodges in the area, they petitioned the Grand Lodge for authority to form a lodge at Baroy, Lanao del Norte, a progressive town some 65 kilometers away from Iligan City and there propagate the tenets of Freemasonry. Named "Kapatagan Valley," Baroy was deemed its ideal site as it will have for its jurisdiction several booming towns which Iligan could no longer effectively serve because of the distance.
On March 7, 1978, Grand Master Calixto O. Zaldivar issued the requested dispensation to the founders and named WB Glicerio A. Lim as the Dispensation Master of the lodge. The petitioners lost no time and, immediately after the formal organization of the lodge, started working. At their first meeting, they initiated a candidate and passed another by courtesy to Maranaw Lodge No. 111. At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge in April 1978, the lodge was granted a charter and assigned number 222.
On June 17, 1978, Grand Master Desiderio Dalisay, Sr. with the assistance of VW Gerardo Padilla, VW Gregorio Calit, WB Moises Dalisay, MW Esteban Munarriz, WB Juan B. Escarda and other Masonic dignitaries, opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge at Baroy, Lanao del Norte and proceeded to constitute Kapatagan Valley Lodge No. 222. Thereafter the officers of the new lodge were installed, as follows: VW Glicerio A. Lim, Sr.- Worshipful Master; WB Manuel Pangilinan- Senior Warden; and WB Toribio Abucay- Junior Warden.
Unlike other newly formed lodges that by necessity were sometimes compelled to recycle their Worshipful Masters, Kapatagan Lodge No. 222, has sustained a progressive string of officers, except in 1987, when it reelected WB Lucio Lim, Jr. to the Oriental Chair. Truly, this lodge has performed its envisioned task creditably well. It also boasts of a Masonic lodge hall that was completed in
After the death of Glicerio A. Lim, Sr., the members renamed their lodge Glicerio A. Lim, Sr. Memorial Lodge No. 222 in his honor.
Location: Baroy, Lanao del Norte