It was first quarter of the year 2013, wherein BRO. Jeremiah Torres of ISAROG Lodge No. 33 and Bro Michael Gutierrez of M.H. Del PILAR Lodge No. 272, both Medical Clerks at the Hospital, chanced upon WB Elvis BEDIA somewhere in Perpetual Help Hospital Compound. They were soon again by chance, joined by Bro Marlon Tesoro of Molino lodge No. 352 who had a business transaction with the said hospital. It was on this accidental gathering that the group identified other Master Masons who were working, studying and some business affiliation with Perpetual Help Hospital. After which, the group decided to form a Traveler’s Club to familiarize each other and spend pleasantries during fellowship. Pressed for the need to strengthen the brotherly connection, the group regularly met on successive meetings, they formalize the gathering and recorded minutes of these meetings. On May 30, 2014 at around 6:00 o’clock in the evening at Max’s Restaurant, BIÑAN Laguna, a group of twenty-four (24) Brethren organized formally a group of Masons which they called “Perpetual Travelers of BIÑAN. It was emphatically explained at that meeting that PERPETUAL refers to its literal meaning i.e. INFINITE and not referring to Perpetual Help Hospital. It was also unanimously decided in that meeting that the future new Lodge to be formed shall be named PERPETUAL LODGE.
The official seal of GDMSML No. 368, F&AM, is depicted by two great circles. The outer circle is green in color with inscriptions, VIZ; GENEROSO D. Madrigal Sr. Memorial Lodge, SABLAYAN, Occidental Mindoro and the year 2008; the inner circle is white with the Two Pillars “JACHIN” and “Boaz” on the left and sides and in between is the Masonic Square and Compasses, and below these symbol is a banner which has the number 368 and the letter F&AM. The outer circle is bordered with a cord in blue color with no beginning and no end. The official name of the Lodge is GENEROSO D. Madrigal Sr. Memorial Lodge No. 368 of Free and Accepted Masons (F&AM). SABLAYAN, Occidental Mindoro is the seat of GDMSML Masonic Temple and the 2008 is the Lodge has been constituted as a regular lodge. The color green in the outer circle where all the aforementioned are written, signifies prosperity and progress of the Lodge; and the white color of the inner circle, like a lambskin apron signifies the ever-present reminder to us Masons on an emblematical or unblemished purity of life and rectitude of conduct, the never-ending arguments for nobler deeds, for higher thoughts, for purer actions and for greater achievements. The two pillars “JACHIN” (right-hand column) and “Boaz” (left-hand column) symbolize wisdom and intelligence, the faculties that every member must develop in order to be aware of the opposites and thus, comprehend. The Square and Compasses is the most fundamental and universal symbol of the Freemasonry. The banner in gold color bearing the number 368 and F&AM, explains the Lodge’s stride for excellence, true to the quality the color gold represents. The cable tow which has no beginning and end symbolizes the covenant by which all Freemasons are tied; and also for the never-ending pursuit for knowledge and excellence and unconditional love towards our fellowmen. The cable tow is blue which imparts that our deed is our virtue.
GDMSML No. 368 has its own Masonic Temple built through the generosity and dedication of the founding brethren. Its cornerstone was laid in the presence of MW Romeo A. Yu, PGM in 2006 and was inaugurated on the same day its Charter was bestowed by MW PACIFICO B. ANIAG, PGM in 2008.