Brother Masons from Different Lodges here in the Province of Nueva ECIJA, mostly residing within the Jurisdiction of Masonic District No III-F (Nueva ECIJA North), and those employed/ working within the Province, and especially those TALUGTUG, San JOSE CITY and SCIENCE OF MUNOZ, have expressed their sincerest desire to form a new Lodge which depicts, promotes and exemplifies what is ancient, traditional and greatly enhances the true values of Morality amongst men and masons. Thus, the forming of the Gen. MIGUEL MALVAR Lodge UD commenced. The Brethren decided among themselves that the following brethren shall act as the Three Great Lights of the newly-formed GEN. MIGUEL MALVAR LODGE UD, namely: VW REYNALDO R. ESTRELLA, PM. CDGL as Worshipful Master; BRO. FERNANDO S. CRUZ as Senior Warden; and BRO. CARLITO O. PERALTA, JR. as Junior Warden. The brethren agreed to request the incumbent District Deputy Grand Master VW CRISPINO B. PARINAS, PM, CDGL, (Incumbent District Deputy Grand Master) to nominate the said brethren for appointment to such position in the Lodge. Also, on that same day, the Petition to Form a New Lodge, the Uniform Code of By-Laws, the Signer’s Pledge and the Signatures of At least Twenty Four (24) Members as Master Masons in Good Standing For At least Five (5) Years was unanimously accepted, approved and signed by the thirty four (34) brethren who considered themselves the Charter Members of Gen. Miguel MALVAR Lodge UD, firmly believed in their hearts that they can better reconcile and integrate the concept of a new Lodge in the heart of SAVERONA, TALUGTUG in accordance with what traditional Masonry is all about. It was clear that the new Lodge will not assumed changes on what Masonry is, rather, the brethren will endeavor to strictly observe traditional Masonic customs and usage of the Craft and the principle of Ancient Landmarks. In essence, the petitioners shall strive to become model Masons and citizens of the country.