Gen. Llanera Memorial Lodge No.168
The Name
This lodge was named in honor of Mariano Llanera, a noted general in the Revolutionary Government headed by Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo. He is remembered for having led the first cry of Nueva Ecija against the tyranny of the Spaniards on September 2, 1896. Llanera was the Venerable Master of Masonic Triangle Centeno No. 82 that was established Cabiao, Nueva Ecija during the Spanish regime.
The Lodge
In the stated meeting of Cabanatuan Lodge No. 53 in November 1961, a resolution was adopted, on motion of WB Pedro Giron, that the lodge will sponsor the organization of a new lodge in Gapan, Nueva Ecija. It was felt that the establishment of a lodge in Southern Nueva Ecija would help disseminate the principles and precepts of Masonry and spread its teachings in that sector of the province. Militant supporters of the brainchild of Pedro Giron during the lively discussions were WB Ambrosio Grospe, Bros. Marcelo Figueroa and Emilio Ortiz.
It was a bright Saturday afternoon on January 20, 1962 that served as a fitting background for the birth of this new lodge. The Roman calendar indicated a full moon on that memorable date. The place, a modest house owned by Bro. Dominador Cabrera, situated in San Nicolas, Gapan, Nueva Ecija.
A group of sixteen Masons, a majority of whom were members of Cabanatuan Lodge No. 53, met at the place. Eight others, all Past Masters, joined them later. The organizational meeting was presided by WB Ambrosio Grospe, who presented VW Doroteo Joson, DDGM to the group. After an exchange of impressions and ideas among the participants, an election of officers followed. Those chosen were: Worshipful Master, Pedro Giron; Senior Warden, Narciso Martinez; Junior Warden, Marcelo Figueroa; Treasurer, Dominador Cabrera; and Secretary, Emiliano Ortiz.
In order to perpetuate the memory of General Mariano Llanera, it was proposed by WB N. J. Martinez that the new lodge be named Gen. Llanera Memorial Lodge. The proposal was unanimously adopted.
A committee of three was constituted to draft the by-laws of the lodge consisting of Bros. E.M. Ortiz, Chairman; and N.J. Martinez and Marcelo Figueroa, members.
A petition for a dispensation to form a new lodge was addressed to the Grand Master by Ambrosio Grospe, Pedro Giron, Marcelo Figueroa, Emiliano Ortiz, Ruperto Joson, Apolonio Zabat, Eulogio Sta. Maria, Dr. Onofre Padolina, Narciso Martinez, Doroteo Joson and several other Masons. In due time Grand Master William H. Quasha issued the requested dispensation.
Through the efforts of Bro. Luis Bolisay, the house of his kin, Mr. Mario Espinoza, in San Nicolas, Gapan, was offered to accommodate the lodge. It was repaired, renovated and refurbished to suit and serve the purposes of Freemasonry. The first regular meeting held there was on February 24, 1962.
A petition for the grant of a charter was then sent to the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, signed by 36 Master Masons, led by Joaquin Alas, Dominador Cabrera, Dionisio Constantino, Mequiades Esquivel, and Lazaro Francisco.
On April 24, 1963, during the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, the lodge was granted a charter as Gem Llanera Memorial Lodge No. 168. One month later, on May 18, 1963, Grand Master Pedro M. Gimenez, accompanied by Masonic dignitaries, motored to Gapan, Nueva Ecija to constitute the lodge and install its officers. After a Special Communication was opened, Grand Master Gimenez presided over the ceremonies of constitution. Immediately thereafter MW Esteban Munarriz installed the officers.
Thus was born Gen. Lianera Memorial Lodge No. 168.
Location: Gapan, Nueva Ecija