Gen. Artemio Ricarte Lodge No. 322
The Name
This lodge was named after General Artemio Ricarte a native of Batac, Ilocos Norte. Ricarte was elected Captain General of the Revolutionary Army at the Tejeros Convention in March 1897. He joined the ranks of the Katipunan and adopted the nom-de-guerre Vibora (Viper). A patriot of solid credentials,
he stood fast and never wavered in his beliefs. He refused to take an oath of allegiance to the United States of America till his death during the Second World War.
In the memoirs of General Santiago V. Alvarez, The Katipunan and the Revolution, Memoirs of a General (Translated into English by Paula Carolina S. Malay), page 60, it is stated: "General Ricarte joined Masonry in September 1896 through the sponsorship of the Venerable (Master) Pedro Camus."
The Lodge
On March 25, 1997, twenty-seven Master Masons filed a petition with the Grand Lodge praying for the issuance of a dispensation authorizing them to congregate as a lodge to be named General Artemio Ricarte Lodge. The petition carried the recommendation of Kagitingan Lodge No.286 and DDGM Roberto Q. Pagotan. On April 1, 1997, the Grand Master, General Jose Percival L. Adiong issued the requested dispensation and named General Clemente P. Mariano as the Dispensation Master, General Santos B. Gabison as the Senior Warden and General Josefino Manayao as the Junior Warden. The lodge was duly instituted and its dispensation officers formally installed on April 16, 1997 at Fort Bonifacio
During the annual communication of the Grand Lodge in April 1998 General Artemio Ricarte Lodge was granted a charter and assigned number 322. The Committee on Charters observed that the membership of the lodge had increased to 35 and that it had raised seven brothers to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Furthermore, the members had demonstrated their proficiency in the rituals.
Grand Master Enrique L. Locsin was the Guest of Honor and Speaker at the Public Constitution and Installation of Officers of General Artemio Ricarte Lodge No. 322. The double event took place on July 16, 1998 at the General Artemio Ricarte Hall of the Philippine Army Recreation Center, Fort Bonifacio, Makati City.
Among those who assisted MW Locsin in constituting the lodge were VW Jaime Y. Gonzales, VW B.J. Torres, VW Hernani B. Lopez, VW Roy Azarcon, VW Crispulo M. Fernandez, Jr., and VW Danilo Datu. VW Alberto C Reyes, Chaplain, gave the benediction.
VW Mariano J. Remoquillo performed the installation ceremonies with the assistance of VW Romeo Musngi, and VW Leopoldo F. Organiza. Installed as charter officers were: VW Josefino B. Manayao, Worshipful Master; Bro. Edwin Vargas, Senior Warden; and Bro. Pete Cabuay, Jr., Junior Warden
Location: Fort Bonifacio, Makati City