Bro. Frank Reed Horton, the Gentleman Mason was born in Sewickley, Pennsylvania on July 17, 1896. A war veteran, he later enrolled at Lafayette College and there together with his brothers from Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity and Square and Compass Club later founded in 1925 the Alpha Phi Omega Service Fraternity, the biggest collegiate service fraternity in the USA and Philippines based on the principles of Scouting and Freemasonry.
Over the years, a substantial number of Alpha Phi Omegans in the Philippines have joined the Craft. Most have been elected and served as Worshipful Masters in their Lodges while some have worn the purple of the fraternity in the Districts and Grand Line. These APO-Masons bonded together as Lafayette Square and Compass Club in 2002.
In early 2007, it was announced that the time was ripe for the organization of Frank Reed Horton Memorial Lodge U.D. and salient issues were agreed upon concerning its relationship with the Lafayette Square & Compass Club, the composition of its Chartered Members, target institution date, Lodge Seal development and heraldic bearing.
In another meeting held at the Tong Xin Restaurant at Banawe Street, Quezon City on June 26, 2007 MW Jaime Y. Gonzales, Grand Master of Masons, endorsed and appointed VW Antonio A. Tuason, PDDGM, to become the Master of Frank Reed Horton Memorial Lodge U.D. The other Officers appointed for the Lodge under Dispensation were VW Alexander B. Madamba, PDDGM as Senior Warden and WB Jimmy U. de Castro as Junior Warden.
After complying with all the requirements to form a new lodge, its petition was approved and the lodge was formally instituted as Frank Reed Horton Memorial Lodge (U.D.) on December 9, 2007 by MW Jaime Y. Gonzalez, Grand Master of Masons at the Jose Abad Santos Hall of the Plaridel Masonic Temple
The Lodge was then granted its official name and number at the Annual Communication of 2008 at Bacolod City. It was constituted as Frank Reed Horton Memorial Lodge No. 379, F. & A. M by MW Pacifico B. Aniag, Jr., Grand Master of Masons on May 14, 2008 at the Jose Abad Santos Hall of the Plaridel Masonic Temple in Malate, Manila.
The Lodge By-laws was ratified and adopted by the Lodge in its First Stated Meeting of June 3, 2008 and submitted to Grand Lodge on June 4, 2008 for approval.
In 2016, due to Edict 298 - MW Tolentino, the lodge was compelled to rename from Frank Reed Horton Memorial Lodge No. 379 F.&A.M. to Frank Reed Horton Masonic Lodge No. 379 F.&A.M.
Frank Reed Horton Masonic Lodge No. 379 F.&A.M. believes that, as molded by Brother Frank Reed Horton and his example, the cardinal principles of Leadership, Friendship and Service’s natural extension are the masonic principal tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. If you agree, then Masonry is the obvious next step for you! When you’re ready to join, leave a message.
Website: www.frankreedhorton.org
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frankreedhorton.lodge
Call: 09285200259