Emon Lodge No. 179
The Name
The word "Enron" is a Marshallese word meaning "good." It was chosen for the name of the lodge to commemorate the good works of Freemasonry and to provide a legacy for the future members of the lodge. More importantly the word "Emon" infers the geographic location of the lodge. It is situated on Kwajalein Island in the "Ralik" (sunset or Western) chain of the Marshall Islands in the West Central Pacific.
The Lodge
Emon Lodge's earliest: historical formation could be traced as far back as 1944 when the United States started to use Kwajalein - a small atoll belonging to the group of Marshall Islands - as a military installation. Captured from the Japanese on February 5, 1944 it was officially placed under US administrative control in accordance with the International Law of Belligerent Occupation. This, subsequent: development of the atoll into various US military defense ,systems command posts and into an eventual Ballistic Missile Defense System Command, brought together to Kwajalein men and US soldier, who were either DeMolays or Masons.
Later, a Square and Compass Club was organized. The meetings of these worthy men, tied by common bonds and driven by a desire to propagate Masonic principles, ideals, and practices, spurred the idea of forming a Masonic lodge in the atoll. Owing, however, to the impermanence of military and contractual personnel assigned in Kwajelein, their plan did not materialize until almost 21 years later. An attempt was first made to organize a lodge under the Grand Lodge of California. When California declined, the founders turned to the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. In July 1965, a petition to form a lodge was submitted to the Grand Lodge of the Philippines under the inspired leadership of VWB Harold J. Leavitt - then travelling in Micronesia as Manager of Public Works of the Trust Terrority of the Pacific. In the month following, a Dispensation was granted to Emon Lodge UD on August 16, 1965 by then Grand Master Raymond E. Wilmarth.
Labors for the meeting room, membership, proficiencies on degree works and lectures thereafter ensued and then in just less than a year later, on April 28, 1996, a charter followed.
The lodge was officially constituted on June 8, 1966. On that date too the first historic and memorable installation of Officers was held in Kwajalein with 38 Charter members that included 13 already Emon-Raised. Installed into office were: Bros. Robert T. Gibbs, Worshipful Master; Albert A. Chaney, Senior Warden; and Robert A. Hodgdon, Junior Warden.
Since then, the lodge existed perfectly well in the atoll. Membership, in fact, rose to its pinnacle of 263 members as of March 1985.
Owing to the frequent re-assignments of its members in the latter part of the 80's, probably clue in part to the end of the cold war, the physical presence of the brethren deteriorated over time and the lodge's activities eventually degenerated to a point that the lodge could not conduct it's regular meetings. Its leadership was left with no option but to surrender the lodge's charter to the Grand Lodge in 1991.
By the grace of the Supreme Architect and efforts of then VW's Celso Gianchand and Leslie Moreno, as well as of dedicated brethren belonging to Micronesia Lodge No. 173 in Guam, however, Emon Lodge, instead of dying a natural death, was re-established in Saipan.
The lodge began to resuscitate on Saipan. The Guam brethren were at the helm of its leadership for 4 years until 1997 when the first Saipan based Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens were elected and installed. Since then the Saipan based membership has strengthened to where it is now.
Location: Chalan Piao, Saipan