To Make Good Men Better and Seek Further Light in Masonry” with his positive injunction deeply rooted in their hearts several brethren from Masonic District NCR-A, NCR –B, NCR-D, NCR-G met on June 24, 2009 5pm at Dynasty Seafood Restaurant along Maria OROSA Street corner T.M. KALAW, Manila agreed to established, a Masonic Lodge wherein each member can aspire for more Masonic light and knowledge, thereby improving themselves morally, spiritually and intellectually. They envisioned a lodge where the Ancient landmarks rituals traditions and tenets of the crafts will be carefully observed and preserved. They envisioned a lodge where peace and harmony shall always prevail and where no contention among the brethren shall ever exists except the noble contention of who best can work and best agree, a less CONTROVERCIAL. Without biases, instead full of brotherly love and affection, and where trowel is used to spread Masonic nobility to the community we live and lastly they envisioned a lodge which will serve as a light in the dark, dispersing Masonic knowledge to every true and worthy brother master masons, sincere in search of further light in Masonry. Among the purpose of the Brethren are comprehensive proficiency in the rituals, ceremonies and lectures of the three Degrees Masonic Education, support of the blue lodge and its member, loyalty to the Grand Lodge of the Philippines and a strict observance of our constitution, ordinances, edicts and various rules and regulations. It is hope of each member to make his own positive contribution to further reinforce the Craft, and build up out Fraternity for the betterment of our Brethren. The first organizational meeting was held on June 24, 2009 at Dynasty Seafood Restaurant along Maria OROSA Street corner T.M. KALAW, ERMITA, MANILA the brethren officially agreed that the new lodge shall be called Dr. Sun YAT-SEN Memorial Lodge UD under the auspices of Masonic District NCR-D. Dr. Sun YAT-SEN Known as “GOUFO” or “Father of the Nation” played a prominent role in the history of China. He was chosen as the First President of the New Chinese Republic. He was regarded as the National Father of Modern China, it is with the aforesaid ends in mind that the formation of Dr. Sun YAT-SEN was conceived, a lodge whose members are committed and sincerely dedicated to laboring for the greater good of the craft, and harmony between brethrens of free masonry. From among those who have attended the first meeting, the following were appointed as officer of the Interim Group First Master – ENRIQUE Y.CO, Senior Warden – JAIME LEE, and Junior Warden – GILSON YU. The news about the formation of a new lodge spread among the brethren of other lodges with a total 47 active brethren qualifying with Certificates of Good Standing issued by their respective lodge to join the new lodge. Then the work began immediately after the said meeting, the brethren under the leadership of VW Enrique Y. Co. VW Stephen L. ONG and bro. John Co Tan began to draft the requirements and approached one by one the positive brethren to comprise the Charter Member. The works of securing the needed requirements for the forming of a new lodge, the Certificate of Good Standing of each member the lodge resolutions of NCR-D Lodges, preparation of all documents needed to be submitted to the Grand Lodge, as well as the financial contribution of each member to secure the financial stability of the Lodge in support of establishing of the new lodge. The documents required for the establishment of a new lodge were submitted to the Grand Lodge of the Philippines under the leadership of Most Worshipful Peter U. Lim Lo SUY, Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Mason of the Philippines on October 29, 2009.
The seal of Doctor Sun YAT-SEN Memorial Lodge No. 398 representing the Chinese slogan “Within Four Seas are brothers” reminding the Chinese dream revitalizing China to make greater contributions to humanity, Four Seas were four bodies of water that metaphorically made up the boundaries of ancient China. There is a sea for each for the four cardinal directions. Alluding to Chinese literature and poetry, the lands “within the four seas” is the literal name of China, Symbolically, THE CHINESE INSCRIPTURES figuratively means “BRETHREN IN ONE WOLRD, ALTOGETHER IN UNITY AND HARMONY”. The Charter Date being incorporated around the Square and Compasses to remind the festive day of its Institution. Lastly, the words “Together Brethren, We will make the difference” is a slogan of unity and harmony, directing men who acts together can definitely make a huge difference.