Dr. Jose P. Laurel Lodge No. 325
The Name
The President of the Philippine Republic during the Second World War, Dr Jose P. Laurel, under direct orders from President Manuel L. Quezon, undertook the delicate balancing act of administering the day-to-day affairs of a subjugated nation. His term as president ended with the defeat of the Japanese
at the hands of the Americans and the Allied forces. Dr. Laurel was a member of Batangas Lodge No. 35 and was always proud of his membership.
The Lodge
On the basis of a resolution adopted by Mabini-Kalaw Lodge No.195 on June 7, 1997 which was submitted to the convention of Masonic District No. 10 at Batangas City on October 18, 1997, fifty-one Master Masons asked the Grand Lodge for permission to form a lodge in Tanauan, Batangas to be named Dr. Jose P. Laurel Lodge. The leading figures behind the organization of the lodge were: WB Magdaleno Dimaranan of Makiling Lodge No.78, WB Edgar R. Roca of Mabini-Kalaw Lodge No. 195 and VW Irineo P. Goce of Laong Laan Lodge No. 185 (who has since transferred residence to Batangas).
On August 8, 1998, Grand Master Enrique L. Locsin issued a dispensation to the petitioners and named Roberto R. Chua to be the first Master, Bro. Cristaldino B. Torino to be the first Senior Warden and Michael P. Sevilla to be the first Junior Warden of the new lodge. On the same day, MW Locsin instituted the lodge and installed its officers at the Temple of Mabini-Kalaw Lodge at Lipa City.
On April 23, 1999, the Grand Lodge granted a charter to Dr. Jose P Laurel Lodge and assigned number 325 to it. On June 6, 1999 Grand Master Franklin J. Demonteverde constituted it as a regular lodge. The following officers were also installed: WB Roberto R. Chua, Bros Cris B. Torino and Manolo A. Rodriguez, as Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, respectively. Bro. Salvador H. Laurel, an Entered Apprentice Mason of Jacobo Zobel Memorial Lodge No. 202, was guest of honor, while MW Demonteverde was guest speaker.
Location: Lipa City, Batangas