Don Lorenzo Tan Memorial Lodge No. 265
The Name
This lodge was named in memory of the father of the Mayor of Tangub City, Alfonso Tan, who at the time of organization was the Senior Warden.
The Lodge
The year 1983 saw the birth of the Don Lorenzo Tan Memorial Lodge No. 265, when brethren of Mt. Malindang Lodge No. 130, passed a resolution addressed to the Grand Lodge requesting for a dispensation to create another lodge in the Northern part of the Ecliptic in Tangub City. Masonry being
universal, it was their firm stand that the teaching of Masonry should be equally extensive.
Grand Master Rosendo C Herrera, in response to that noble intent, issued a dispensation on September 12, 1983 and named the following as the Dispensation Officers of the lodge: Albino D. Cebdo, Jr., Worshipful Master; Alfonso D. Tan. Senior Warden, and Apolinario E. Aruelo, Junior Warden
After almost a year of functioning under dispensation, the lodge was granted a charter by the Grand Lodge in April 1984 and assigned number 265. On September 15, 1984 Don Lorenzo Tan Memorial Lodge No.265 was constituted as a regular lodge by Grand Master Reynato S. Puno. MW Puno was so impressed with the lodge that he informed the Grand Lodge: "The splendor of the Craft in
the South is something to savor. I have always advised the brethren who want to behold the beauty of our brotherhood to go South. Nobody has come back unimpressed. x x x Our Temples in Mindanao symbolize the universality of Masonry. Through Masonry we link up with our Muslim brethren in Mindanao."
Don Lorenzo Tan Memorial Lodge had its share of ups and downs during its formative years. About the time the Charter was received there was confusion among the brethren which produced sad and melancholic reflections on how they could pursue their labors, feeling the burden and inconvenience of holding meetings, doing the floor works and rituals from one venue to another. But because of the strength and wisdom of the Elders of the lodge, the peace and good fellowship among the brethren was not disturbed. The lodge slowly made positive progress. Realizing the need for a permanent venue, the family of the late Governor Alfonso D. Tan, then Senior Warden, donated a piece of land situated in Barangay San Apolinario, Tangub City, with an area of 604 square meters for the construction of a Masonic Temple.
In August 1988, under the leadership of re-elected WM Ernesto L. Demecillo, the construction of the Masonic Temple started. Junior Warden Ben Calago was designated as Project Manager to supervise the construction. Funds were raised through raffles and donations from generous brethren of the
lodge, by members of Mt. Malindang Lodge No. 130 and other benefactors. In barely three (3) months, the temple was 90% finished. The first meeting held in the almost completed Temple was in November 1988. In 1995, WM Perfecto Yebes, then President of the Tangub City Agro-Industrial School, caused the
fencing of the entire area where the temple stood. Expansion of the Temple was made under the leadership of WM Primo Lee. Plans are now underway to further improve the Temple.
The years of existence of the Don Lorenzo Tan Memorial Lodge are replete with challenges and trials. There were times when attendance was just enough to open the lodge, to treat some lodge business and to continue to hold stated meetings. Yet, through the efforts of the officers, the lodge persevered and survived. Then in 2001, the lodge faced its most daunting challenge and was drawn into a bitter controversy not of its own making. It was accused of failing to observe proper procedures in the admission of new members. The lodge itself was unjustifiably labeled "a Garbage Lodge." While the lodge invoked Landmark 16, it endeavored to reach out to all the brethren of other lodges and the Grand Lodge itself to put things into their proper perspective and to assure everyone that the lodge is following strictly the Masonic Constitution and By Laws and the Edicts of the Grand Lodge. The lodge took each and every criticism positively and closed ranks to explain its position clearly. The members never lost their focus in observing the basic tenets of Freemasonry - brotherly love, relief and truth.
The controversy, painful as it was, strengthened the lodge and the relationship of the brethren. It united and stabilized the group. The lodge has even grown. As proof thereof, the lodge admitted seven (7) dual members from Mt. Malindang Lodge No. 130 - four (4) of whom are PDDGM's and the incumbent DDGM and one (1) regular member this year. The lodge at present has forty-two (42) members. Attendance in stated and special meetings has greatly improved. Such development has invigorated the members. The officers thus plan to maintain the interests of the members by coming up with activities
that need the involvement and support of everyone.
In its avowed mission to bring Masonry to the community, the lodge conducted a Medical-Dental Outreach Mission in May 2002 right in the Masonic Temple and plans to continue to be actively involved in community activities. Likewise, in its strong desire to strengthen fraternal ties, the lodge volunteered to hold the 9th Western Mindanao Masonic Convention - to act as the lead lodge, being part of the Masonic District 34, the host District. It aims to put aside whatever misconceptions and misguided beliefs the brethren of other lodges may have because of the controversy. There is that prevailing sentiment and determination to prove that the lodge is not what it is labeled to be.
Since its birth, the Don Lorenzo Tan Memorial Lodge No. 265, has consistently sent representatives to the ANCOM. With the blessings of the Grand Architect of the Universe, it hopes to continue to do so and to make Masonry more active, and enduring in its part of the world.
Location: Tangub City