Don Camilo Osias Memorial Lodge No. 253
The Name
Named in honor of the famous orator, writer, educator, and legislator. Osias was one of the first pensionados sent to study in the United States. He was appointed Resident Commissioner to the US Congress in 1929, was delegate to two Constitutional Conventions, elected Senator several times and, at one time, was President of the Philippine Senate. Masonically, Osias was Grand Master in 1955 and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite Supreme Council from 1971-1973. It is he who gave us the catch phrase, "More Masonry among Masons, More Men in Masonry."
The Lodge
In 1980 Grand Master Manuel D. Mandac gave the organizers of this lodge a dispensation to form a lodge in Malaybalay, Bukidnon to be known as Don Camilo Osias Lodge. In April 1981, the Grand Lodge, during its annual communication, granted a charter to the lodge and assigned to it number 253.
The following year, on January 22, 1982 to be exact, the new Grand Master, Simeon Rene Lacson, opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge at Malaybalay, Bukidnon and, with the assistance of Masonic dignitaries, formally constituted Don Camilo Osias Lodge No. 253 as a regular lodge. On the same day the following charter officers of the lodge were installed: WB Manuel R. Valdez- Worshipful Master; Manuel E. Sarria, Jr.- Senior Warden; and Belmo M. Martil- Junior Warden.
Location: Malaybalay, Bukidnon