Digos Lodge No. 198
The Name
Named after the town of Digos in Davao that has now became a component city. Digos comes from the Ilokano word "agdigos" meaning "to take a bath." It is said that when the Americans first arrived they asked the Ilokano settlers whom they met by the river for the name of the place. Failing to understand the question, they replied that they were taking a bath, "agdigos kami."
The Lodge
A creation largely of the brethren of Davao Lodge No. 149, the organizers of Digos Lodge were issued a dispensation by Grand Master Ruperto S. Demonteverde July 3, 1973. With WB Jose C. Nicolas as its first Worshipful Master, Digos Lodge was formally established on August 9, 1973. At the annual communication of the Grand Lodge in April 1974, the Committee on Charters found that the lodge had been holding its monthly stated meetings regularly, had a membership of 48 Master Masons, and had received 11 petitions for degrees. The lodge was granted a charter and assigned the number 198.
On June 22, 1974, Grand Master John O. Wallace, assisted by RW Desiderio Dalisay, WB Julian Azarcon, MW Esteban Munarriz, VW Tiburcio Cervantes, VW Isagani Bella, Wb Amor Banda and other Masonic dignitaries, opened Special Communication of the Grand Lodge in Digos and proceeded to formally constitute Digos Lodge. Immediately thereafter the officers of the lodge were installed, to wit: Jose Nicolas, Worshipful Master; Rodolfo T. Catios, Senior Warden : Pedro N. Percival, Junior Warden; Francisco Alvarez, Treasurer and Prudencio S. Afalla, Secretary.
Initially holding its stated meetings in a building owned by WB Rodolfo T. Canos, Digos Lodge undertook the construction of a Masonic edifice in 1983 on a 1,100 square meter lot and consecrated it in 1984. The Temple became a permanent landmark of the Masonic Fraternity in Digos where it firmly established its roots for all and sundry to see. At the start of the 3rd millennium, the lodge added a fellowship hall and the air conditioning system.
Digos Lodge has hosted a district convention and a multi-district convention which local Masonic historians consider as "beyond compare." It has also ably sponsored the founding of the Catleya Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star; and the Mount Apo Chapter, Order of DeMolay.
Location: Digos, Davao del Sur