Diffun Lodge No. 317
The Name
The name of the lodge was taken from the name of the town in Quirino province where it is domiciled.
The Lodge
On September 26, 1995, at the stated meeting of Saranay Lodge No. 193, the brethren of this lodge came up with a resolution to form a new lodge in the Municipality of Diffun. A headcount disclosed that there were fifteen active Masons in good standing residing in Diffun and several others from neighboring lodges within the district who were willing to become charter members.
On January 30, 1996, the organizers sent a petition for permission to form a lodge in Diffun, duly endorsed by Saranay Lodge and DDGM Felipe A. Salvador, Jr., to the Grand Lodge. Grand Master Danilo D. Angels gave the twenty-six petitioners a dispensation on March 5, 1996, and designated WB Lorenzo G. Itchon, Jr. as Worshipful Master; Bro. Elmer A. Domingo, as Senior Warden and Billy E. Temanel as Junior Warden, of the new lodge.
Because of his hectic schedule, Grand Master Angeles could not travel to Diffun to institute the lodge, so he requested the members to come to the Grand Lodge for the ceremonies. They came on March 26, 1996, and the ceremonies of institution and installation were duly performed on that day. Diffun Lodge was organized too close to the annual communication of the Grand Lodge held in April 1996, because of which it was not able to comply with requirements. The Grand Lodge did not grant it a charter, but extended its dispensation for another year. At the annual communication held in April 1997, the Grand Lodge was satisfied with the performance of Diffun Lodge so this time it granted the lodge a charter and assigned to it number 317
On June 16, 1997, Grand Master Leon Angel P. Banez, Jr., constituted Diffun Lodge No. 317. Present to give him a helping hand were: MW Pablo C. Ko, Jr., PGM; RW Oscar V. Bunyi and several other Grand Line officers.
After the constitution, the installation of officers followed. The ceremony was officiated by RW Oscar V. Bunyi, VW Magtanggol A. Nuevo and VW Leonardo P. Chua who served as the Installing Officer, Master of Ceremonies and Assistant Master of Ceremonies, respectively. Installed as officers of Diffun Lodge No. 317 were: WB Lorenzo G. Itchon, Jr., Worshipful Master; Bro. Elmer A. Domingo, Senior Warden, and Bailey E. Tamanel, Junior Warden,respectively.
Location: Diffun, Quirino