Davao Lodge No. 149
The Name
The lodge was named after the province and city where it is located. The name "Davao" originates from an old native religious ceremony involving the burning of the "Sacred Bush" called "Dabadaba." This was shortened to "Dava" and later the letter "0" was added forming the word Davao.
The Lodge
On November 17, 1956, at the special meeting of Sarangani Lodge No. 50, WB Carlos Iñigo, then Inspector of the lodge, proposed the organization of a new lodge in Davao. He convinced the members of Sarangani that the roster of the lodge had already grown too big and it was getting to be unwieldy. The thirty-three (33) brethren present unanimously endorsed his idea. A formal petition for a dispensation was forthwith prepared and signed by twenty-nine (29) out of the thirty-three (33) present in the meeting. The name chosen for the new lodge was Davao Lodge. On December 10th of same year, the petition was officially indorsed by WB Joseph Lim So, and recommended by Bro. Alfred W. Roberts, Master and Secretary of Sarangani Lodge No. 50, respectively. In the following year, January 23, 1957, the By-Laws of Davao Lodge were submitted to the Grand Lodge and were duly approved on January 28, 1957 by Grand Master Clinton F. Carlson.
During the 41st Annual Communication held in Manila on April 25, 1957, the dispensation issued to Davao Lodge U.D. was extended for another year. Then, during the 42nd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge held in Manila on April 24, 1958, a charter was granted to Davao Lodge No.149. The charter was duly signed by then Grand Master Howard R. Hick, and attested by Grand Secretary Esteban M. Munarriz, PGM.
The official constitution of the Davao Lodge No. 149 was performed on August 18, 1958, at 7:30 PM, at the Puericulture Center in Davao City, in due and ancient form, by the Grand Lodge officers led by Grand Master Howard R. Hick, after which the public installation of the officers of the lodge followed. The installed officers were: Carlos Inigo, Sr., Worshipful Master; Tiburcio S. Cervantes, Senior Warden; Ruben D. Hilario, Junior Warden; Marcelino M. Velasco, Treasurer; Bayani B. Estanislao, Secretary.
In the following years, Davao Lodge No. 149 spearheaded the formation of lodges in different parts of Mindanao. Among the lodges it sponsored are: Mount Matutum Lodge No. 156, Kidapawan Lodge No. 170, Mati-Aurora Lodge No. 190, Rio Grande Lodge No. 192; Shangri-La Lodge No. 196, Datu Bago Lodge No. 197, Digos Masonic Lodge No. 198, Beacon Lodge No. 213, Red Mountain Lodge No. 241, Kamayo Lodge No. 255, and Podomo Lodge No. 294 .
The year 1986 was memorable for Davao Lodge No. 149. It was proclaimed the Most Outstanding Lodge in the jurisdiction of Grand Lodge of the Philippines, thanks to its exemplary performance.
As of October 31, 1990, the lodge roster shows that a total of 217 brethren have became members of the lodge. Two of its members, Pedro W. Guerzon and Rizal D. Aportadera, served as Grand Masters of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines.
Location: Davao City