The fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons is very visible in the Province of Bataan. In fact, every Municipality in the Province has a Master Mason in its list of residents. A lot of these Master Masons are members of the three Masonic Lodges in the Province. Noteworthy also is the presence of Brethren whose Mother Lodges are located in other provinces or cities in the country. Most of these sojourners are now migrant residents of Bataan. In the year 2005, at the Peninsula Golf Club, Petron Bataan Refinery, LIMAY, Bataan, in one of the golf games of sojourners who are within the Province, the Group led by VW. Arnold D. GUNNACAO and Bro. Rene LUMIBAO toyed with the idea of forming a New Lodge which can cater to brethren who are free during weekdays and busy on weekends. This ides became a hot issue. It was discussed for quite a time, however, due to unforeseen circumstances, the issue slowly vanished. In late months of 2006, the ideas of forming new lodge cropped up again. BRAISTORMING sessions were held at ARCEES Restaurant, Roman Highway BALANGA City. A lot of sojourners were really looking forward and clamoring to have Masonic Meeting during weekdays. This idea was shared to other brethren every golf game. During fellowships, this idea was also discussed. And so, the first Organizational Meeting was set. The “Core Group” composed of the following Brethren; V.W. Arnold D. GUNNACAO, Bro. Rene LUMIBAO, Bro. Gerry de Leon, Bro. Owen Fuentes and Bro. Mar de Jesus met for the first organizational meeting at ARCEES restaurant along Roman Highway, BALANGA City, Bataan and formally convened to discuss plans for the organization of a New Lodge. The meeting was result of previous discussions, regarding the propriety and necessity of forming a New Lodge which could cater to brethren who cannot attend meetings on weekends but who are willing to be active masons and interested individuals from Municipality of ABUCAY and SAMAL, Bataan who wanted to join the Craft. During this meeting, it was agreed that they will pursue with the formation of the New Lodge. Most Worshipful Jaime Y. Gonzales, Grand Master of Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Philippines, approved and granted the petition presented to him by sundry Brethren, for a “Dispensation to form a New Lodge” which is to be Name as the DAMBANA Ng KAGITINGAN Lodge. At 6:00 in the evening, the INSTITUTION of DAMBANA Ng KATINGIN Lodge U.D. (Under Dispensation) was presided by the Grand Master of Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Philippines, MW Jaime Y. Gonzales, at Villa Amanda, Resort ABUCAY BATAAN. At 1:39 in the afternoon, the CONSTITUTION of DAMBANA Ng KAGITINGAN Lodge No. 377 was presided by the Grand Master of Masons in the Philippines, MW PACIFIC B. ANIAG, together with the Grand Line Officers at ABUCAY Café and Garden Restaurant at BARANGAY Gabon, ABUCAY BATAAN. The Constitution was followed by the INSTALLATION of Elected and Appointed Officers of the Lodge for MY 2008 with the Grand Master of Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Philippines, MW PACIFICO B. ANIAG as the Guest of Honor and Speaker, VW Amado Garcia as the Installation Officer, VW Domingo INOHALDO as Master of Ceremonies and WB Alex BANZON as Assistant Master of Ceremonies. Installed were the Following: Worshipful Master; VW Arnold D. GUNNACAO; Senior Warden, Bro. Ernesto V. Flores; and Junior Warden, Bro. Gerardo S. De Leon.
Of all the choices on the suggested names, “DAMBANA NG KAGITINGAN” got the nod to signify the continuing commitment of Freemasonry to the ideas of truth, justice and valor. This name further represents the Province of Bataan, the “Land of the Braves”.