The idea of forming a new Masonic Lodge was conceived by WB VIRGILIO PONGASE; and WB MELCHE CAUDOR was selected to organize other Master Masons to be its charter members. The first GROUP of charter members selected are, the young and vibrant Senior DEMOLAYS who are Master Masons. Unfortunately most of them did not meet the qualification under the Edict of MW AVELINO I. RAZON, JR. A new group was invited to form the charter members. On December 4, 2013 MW JUANITO G. ESPINO, Jr., instituted Crescent Lodge U.D. The three (3) lights of the lodge are WB MELCHE CAUDOR, Worshipful Master, IRVIN HO, Senior Warden and WB ROGER PANGANIBAN, Junior Warden. Seven (7) PETITUTIONERS were initiated, passed and raised before the lodge was granted a permanent number under the Jurisdiction of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge Philippines during the Annual Communication (ANCOM). On June 19, 2015, Crescent Lodge No. 419 was chartered by MW TOMAS G. RENTOY, III. The Charter Master of the lodge is WB MELCHE CAUDOR and Bros. IRVIN HO and RENATO BONTOL are the Senior and Junior Wardens respectively.
During the early formation of Crescent Lodge, the first group of Master Masons invited to form as its charter members were Senior DEMOLAYS. During one of its meeting naming the Lodge was one of the agenda. Several names were suggested including names of historical and geographical places in Cebu, local heroes and other Masonic symbols. None was appealing to the group until one member suggested that to choose something related to the Order of DEMOLAYS since most of them are members of this great Masonic youth group. Crescent was unanimously selected.
As of this early, the lodge is still considered a fledgling lodge. It is still very dependent from other lodges in this Masonic District. Probably the lodge can be featured as the DEMOLAY Lodge of District VII. THE SQUARE & COMPASS WITH LETTER “G” being the universal symbolism of the fraternity it signifies that we always remember the principles and tenets of Freemasonry. THE CRESCENT is a sign of SECRESY and constantly reminds the member of this Lodge of their duty never to reveal the secrets of the craft or betray the confidence of a brother. THE SEVEN STARS represents the three (3) principal tenets of Masonry at the upper part of the Crescent and the four (4) cardinal virtues of fraternity at the lower part of the Crescent. It also represents the seven members who were initiated, passed and raised prior to the chartering of the lodge. THE CABLETOW symbolize the tie that bind. THE NAME OF THE LODGE at the upper part of the emblem, represents the lodge authority to assemble to meet, initiate passed and raised all good men and true. THE NAME OF THE MASONIC DISTRICT at the lower part of the emblem represents that the lodge is beholden to the Grand Lodge of the Philippines.