Carmen Valley Lodge No. 250
The Name
This Lodge organized for Masons living in Barangay Carmen and the neighboring environs in Cagayan De Oro City and was named after the Barangay.
The Lodge
VW Benjamin O. Go, DDGM of District No. 17, spearheaded the formation of this lodge. He and forty other Master Masons from the District , petitioned the Grand Lodge for authority to form a lodge in Cagayan De Oro to be named Carmen Valley Lodge. In Conformity with the request, Grand Master Manuel D. Mandac gave them a dispensation on January 29, 1981. On April 24, 1981, the grand lodge, upon the recommendation of the Committee on Charters, granted a charter to the lodge and assigned to it number 250.
On September 24, 1981, the new Grand Master, Simeon Rene Lacson, opened a Special Communication of the Grand Lodge at Cagayan de Oro City and, with the assistance of Grand Lodge Officers, duly constituted the lodge and installed its officers to wit: Bros. Ruben C. Diaz, John R. Nalzoda and Francisco T. Lim, as Worshipful Master ,Senior Warden and Junior Warden, respectively.
Just like any other newly organized lodge, Carmen Valley Lodge suffered birth pains. Absenteeism, delayed payment of dues, dwindling membership due to transfer of residence, financial inadequacy and the lackadaisal attitude of some members, threatened its existence during the early years. But the lodge a whole preserved . It now has a robust membership of some thirty-three members who constantly see to it that the rampants of the lodge will remain sturdy in that part of the globe.
Location: Cagayan De Oro City