The conceptualization stage of establishing a new lodge was undertaken in December, 2007 and was organized by WB Antonio T. ABERCA, Jr., PM, Cam. NORTE Lodge No. 107 and WB Jonathan F. NAVARETTE, PM of ISAROG Lodge No. 33. Wide information campaign and recruitment for Charter Members followed. Bro. Tomas G. RENTOY III of Cosmos Lodge No. 8 (now Past Grand Master) and Bro. LINDELL C. Clymer (+) of Crocker Lodge No. 212, California USA, Were the first to signify support for the organization of the Lodge. There were more than 50 master masons signified support by signing the certificate of support from the different lodges in Bicol where most of them emanating from the respective lodges of the aforesaid organizers. The first Organizational Meeting was held at MARUPIT, CAMALIGAN, CAMARINES Sur where the three principal officers of the Lodge was chosen and that the said officers decided to name the New Lodge CAMARINES SUR, after the Province, to have a wider scope. It was in the term of VW Armando “Pan” NAVARROSA, DDGM for RV-A, for MY 2008 that the endorsement for institution of the new lodge was signed, while it was WM Eric Fernando, Master of ISAROG Lodge No. 33, MY 2008 signed the resolution to support the establishment of the new lodge and approved the temporary used of the ISAROG Masonic Temple as its lodge. After satisfying the requirements, the new Lodge was INSTITUTED on March 17, 2008 as CAMARINES SUR LODGE UNDER DISPENSATION (UD) at the DEMOLAY Hall, Grand Lodge of the Philippines by MW Jimmy Y. Gonzales, Grand Master of Masons for Masonic Year 2008-2009. As a new LODGE UD, CAMARINES SUR, it started to procure paraphernalia and equipment for the lodge. Fortunately, CROCKER LODGE donated its extra aprons and jewels. New MEMBERS commenced to knock at the door of CSL UD and the first petitioner was a PNP Captain, EYMARD Z. Gomez, who eventually became the first raised MASTER MASON of the lodge and now one of the incumbent District Grand Lecturers of RV-A. The first year of existence of the new Lodge as UD, was rough and rocky a trying year. Many brethren who were opposed to the organization of the Lodge, started to create issues and interpretation on how the new lodge should exist as UD. After a year, on April 2009 during the 93rd ANNUAL COMMUNICATION in Cagayan De Oro City, CAMARINES Sur Lodge UD finally became a regular lodge numbered 382. Finally, on June 22, 2009, 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon at Magdalena Hall Crown Hotel, the Grand Lodge of the Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines was opened in ancient and public form to CONSTITUTE CAMARINES Sur Lodge UD as Lodge numbered 382, of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines, with MW PETER U. LIM LO SUY, Grand Master of Masons of the Philippines, assisted by different Grand Lodge Officers and Past Masters.
CABLE TOW – Represent the tie that binds us to the fraternity. TRIANGLE – Is the first Masonic Symbol, used of Masonic Clubs, prior to the formal formation of lodges. Three (3) STARS – Represent the three lesser lights of the lodge, the WM, SW and the JW Five (5) SUN RAYS- represent the 5 point of fellowship. Three (3) MOUNTAINS- the mountains landmark of the province of CAMARINES Sur, were the lodge name was derived, namely TANCONG VACA, ISAROG, ASUG. SQUARE AND COMPASS –Is universal symbol of Masonry. IN DEO SPERAMUS – Masonic maxim “In God We Trust” MMIX- represent the year our lodge was constituted. The exact date was June 22, 2009 at Crown Hotel with GM Peter U. Lim Lu Soy attending. The Shape of the logo is oblong this represent the lodge.