Bulusan Lodge No. 38
The Name
Bulusan is the name of a volcano is Sorsogon which rises 1553 meters above sea leval. It is also the name of a lake in the same area, 624 meters above sea level, Bulusan is the Bikol word for “exit” or “passage”, and also signifies “watershed”, “groove” or ‘river bed”.
The Lodge
Bulusan Lodge traces its origin to the organization of Masonic Triangle Bulusan by Aurelio Diokno of Walana Lodge and Amado Muyot, Leoncio Grajo, Bernabe Flores, Augurio Martinez, Dr. Pedro Paguia, Norberto Leocadio and Jose Alindogan on September 5, 1916, on board the SS Batangueño at the port of Sorsogon. The ship was then plying the Manila-Sorsogon route under the command of Diokno.
On November 20, 1916 Triangulo Bulusan was converted into a lodge with Aurelio Diokno as the Venerable Master, Bernabe Flores as the First Vigilant, Leoncio Grojo as the Second Vigilant, Mariano Olandriz as the Secretary Guardian of the Seal and Alfonso Escudero as the Treasurer. While the lodge was awaiting the issuance of its charter by the Gran Oriente Espanol, a unification of the lodges under the Gran Oriente Español with the Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands took place as a result of which Bulusan Lodge transferred allegiance to the Grand Lodge of PI. On February 13, 1917, it was issued a new charter a Bulusan Lodge No. 38. At three o'clock in the afternoon of the following day it was duly constituted together with 30 other lodges. In constituting the 31 lodges, Grand Master William H. Taylor used the beautiful and impressive ceremony of the Grand Lodge of California. Installed as the three principal officers of Bulusan Lodge were Worshipful Master - Aurelio Diokno, Senior Warden - Bernabe Flores and Junior Warden - Pedro Paguia.
The initial meetings of the lodge were held at the Provincial High School building, but when membership swelled the lodge had to move to a rented room in Ynchausti building, located at what is now R. Magsaysay Street. The brethren used this place for their meetings up to the outbreak of World War II.
During the liberation of Sorsogon in March 1945 the lodge hall of Bulusan Lodge was burned to ashes. All the records, books and paraphernalia of the lodge were lost. The members succeeded in reactivating the lodge, but the number of active members was barely enough to constitute a quorum for their meetings. Had it not been for the sacrifices and Masonic spirit of the few remaining members and the support of the brethren from the other Bicol lodges, Bulusan would have died a natural death.
In 1960, WB Estanislao Gabarda donated to the lodge a 3,296 ,q. m. lot located in Sorsogon, Sorsogon alongside the Catholic Cemetery. On January 18, 1960, the members made application for the conversion of the lot into a cemetery, but obstacle after obstacle was thrown their way. The members, however, persisted and after two and a half years of labor they were rewarded with the realization of their long cherished dream - they finally had their own cemetery.
In March 1966, Bulusan Lodge started the construction of its own Temple. Unfortunately, on August 18 of that year, a calamitous fire hit Sorsogon town which damaged the Temple and rendered several brethren homeless and destitute. Once again the lodge lost its working tools, implements and other paraphernalia. Its records and funds were, however, saved. With the help of the Grand Lodge, several Blue Lodges and well-meaning brethren, the lodge was slowly rehabilitated. On January 20, 1979, the Temple of the lodge was finally completed and dedicated. Some years later the lodge hall was renovated. The lot was fenced, a sturdy iron gate was installed, and the yard was converted into a spacious parking area.
Location: Sorsogon, Sorsogon