Baliwag Lodge No. 301
The Name
This lodge was named after the town of Baliwag -- one of the oldest towns in Bulacan -- where it is located.
The Lodge
Baliwag Lodge is the fourth Masonic lodge established by the Grand Lodge of the Philippines in the province of Bulacan. The first three lodges are Malolos Lodge No. 46, Marcelo H. del Pilar Memorial Lodge No.272 and Cupang Lodge No. 295. These lodges were constituted in the years 1919, 1985 and 1992, respectively.
It took 66 years before Bulacan had its second lodge and another seven years before the third was formed. In less than a year's time thereafter a forth was born.
In retrospect, the slow progress of the Craft in Bulacan may be attributed to the rigid procedures adopted by the first lodges in screening applicants for membership and to the opposition of the clergy. In the early 80's, second and third generation Masons were accepted by the lodges in Bulacan, thus infusing young blood into the organization. By the actions and deeds of the new members, public awareness and acceptance of Masonry tremendously improved.
During a fellowship on October 30, 1992 attended by brethren of the three lodges in Bulacan, VW Felix Flor Cruz, District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District No. 7, suggested that a new lodge be formed in Bulacan. The brethren agreed and reached the consensus that it be established in Baliwag because of its strategic location and the size of its population. Some brethren belonging to lodges in Metro Manila and Nueva Ecija who had relatives in Baliwag learned of the plan and readily extended their support and signed on as charter members.
On December 26, 1992, at the stated meeting of Cupang Lodge No.295, it passed a resolution recommending to the Grand Lodge that a dispensation to form and open a new lodge in Baliwag be issued based on a petition signed by 38 active Master Masons. On January 29, 1993, Grand Master Agustin V. Mateo gave the 38 petitioners a dispensation to congregate as a lodge.
On February 9, 1993, Grand Master Mateo instituted Baliwag Lodge UD at the Plaridel Masonic Temple with the assistance of VW Ernesto A. Malapaya and VW Bejamin J. Torres. Immediately thereafter the lodge was opened on the third degree and its officers were duly installed, to wit: WB Wilfredo D. Cruz, Worshipful Master; Bro. Marcelino P. Agustin, Senior Warden; and Bro. Reynaldo M. Acop, Junior Warden.
The Grand Lodge granted Baliwag Lodge a charter on April 23, 1993 and on May 14, 1993 it was constituted in Baliwag, Bulacan by the new Grand Master, MW Rizal D. Aportadera. The installation of the officers by RW Danilo D. Angeles, Grand Junior Warden, followed.
Baliwag Lodge No. 301 has, since its inception, steadfastly propagated the teachings of Freemasonry in Bulacan, the birthplace of Bro. Marcelo H. del Pilar, the father of Philippine Masonry.
Location: Baliwag, Bulacan