Ari-Tau Lodge No. 279
The Name
"Ari-Tau" are two Isinay words which mean "Our King," the root words from whence the name of the municipality of Aritao, Nueva Vizcaya is derived.
The Lodge
This lodge was formed through the concerted efforts of 29 brethren who were members of the Aritao Masons Club, an organization that sponsored the education of the top Grade Six graduates of the Aritao School District. After Ignacio Galindez and his son, Cirilo, had secured the favorable recommendation of Salinas Lodge No. 163 and of DDGM Edilberto Carabbacan, the founders petitioned the Grand Lodge for a dispensation to organize a lodge in Aritao, Nueva Vizcaya..
On January 8, 1987, Grand Master Reynold S. Fajardo issued the requested dispensation and designated the following as Dispensation Officers of the lodge: Worshipful Master, Ricardo V. Flores; Senior Warden, Ignacio A. Galindez and Junior Warden, Remo M. Picazo.
Within the three months prior to the holding of the annual communication of the Grand Lodge in April 1987, the lodge was able to meet seven times and initiate, pass and raise one applicant. The Grand Lodge therefore granted it a charter and assigned to it number 279.
The charter of the lodge was presented to WB Ricardo V. Flores on June 10, 1987, the very day the lodge held its stated meeting. On July 11, 1987, Ari- Tau Lodge was constituted as a regular lodge by Grand Master Teodorico V. Baldonado, with the assistance of several Grand Lodge dignitaries.
As a fitting memorial to the lodge, WB & Sis. Guillermo M. Peros, Mayor of Aritao, donated a 350 sq. m. lot at Barangay Darapidap within the municipality of Aritao upon which the members constructed a Temple that now serves as a bastion of their Masonic endeavors in that part of the globe.
Location: Aritao, Nueva Vizcaya