The formation of the proposed ALAMINOS LODGE is the brainchild of several brethren of MALINAW LODGE No. 25 who wanted to give their mother lodge a fitting tribute to her then upcoming Centennial Anniversary. The most ardent of these elder brethren is WB DANILO FARAON, a PM of MALINAW LODGE NO.25 who has been living in the USA for many years. Strongly determined to realize a dream of an offspring of MALINAW, he constantly challenged the brethren of his lodge to embark on this worthy endeavor. Seeing the wisdom and nobility of the idea, several brethren led by WB DENNIS ABRIL and WB ROMULO ESCONDO heeded to WB FARAON’s challenge. A series of exploratory meetings to discuss the idea of and plans of forming this new lodge were conducted in a regular caucus dubbed as “Wednesday Club”. This initiative proved to be fruitful as it gathered the support and participation of more than thirty (30) brethren of MALINAW LODGE who all enlisted as Charter Members of the proposed Lodge. The proponent of this new Lodge finally decided to hold regular meetings every Tuesday, which were hosted at the residences of VW VICTORINO JAVIER JR, BRO VIRGILIO MONZONES, BRO GLENN FLORES, and BRO ORLANDO COBARRUBIA successively. At these meetings, the name of the proposed Lodge, Its preferred area of Jurisdiction, specific guidelines for membership, organizational issues and concerns, plan of action were identified, deliberated and agreed upon. The name ALAMINOS LODGE was chosen for several reasons; one is in honor of a revolutionary general during Spanish occupation, who was said the surname ALAMINOS, and after whom a small town in LAGUNA was named. The other reason is that with the adoption of the name of Municipality, this nondescript town in LAGUNA might now find the recognition and prominence it deserves. On Sept. 8, 2009, the proposed ALAMINOS LODGE held its first GENERAL ASSEMBLY at the residence of Bro. MONZONES in BRGY SAN ANDRES, ALAMINOS LAGUNA. The CHORUM formally elected Interim WM – DENNIS ABRIL, PM, SENIOR WARDEN – VIRGILIO MONZONS, and JUNIOR WARDEN – GLENN FLORES.