A researcher-writer… “Bill” Councell, was born in Easton, Maryland on January 6, 1913 and obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Baltimore. He worked for some time in the Accounting Department of the Bethlehem Steel Company at Sparrow’s Point, Maryland before he moved over to Shamokin, Pennsylvania, where he served as General Manager of the Weaver Winstack Rubber Company from 1948 to 1959. He came to the Philippines in 1960 as a Consultant in Church Administration and Finance in the Episcopal Church. He became the Editor of the Ecumenical Review (NCCP) in 1967 -68, as well as of the Philippine Chronicle(Episcopal Church) in 1960-71. He was, indeed, a tireless writer. He wrote many outstanding articles of interest not only here but also abroad. In fact, he authored A History of Freemasonry in the Philippines. He articulated his belief in the need for research this way: When the wise man is wise enough to turn to the research of centuries of men searching for God, even as he turns to research in the other fields of knowledge, he finds that those with a genuine and deep-seated motivation for brotherhood have tapped a power that springs from the conviction that at the heart of the universe is purpose, power and love. As researcher-writer, he served as Chairman of the Mass Media Commission of the NCCP in 1969-70 and later became the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of The Cabletow, Incorporated. Councell’s Masonic career parallels his professional success. He was raised a Master Mason in Manila Lodge No. 1 and served as Worshipful Master in 1968. He affiliated with Lodge Perla del Oriente No. 1034, a lodge in Manila under the Grand Lodge of Scotland. He also became the Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Florida near the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. In the York Rite, Councell was exalted in Luzon Chapter No. 1, R.A.M., greeted in Far East Council No. 1, and knighted in Far East Commandery No. 1, K.T. He also served as a Presiding Officer ‘in the Royal Arch and Council. Councell received the Scottish Rite Degrees in Manila Bodies. He was honored with the rank and decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor on February 15, 1969 and coroneted an Inspector General Honorary of the Thirty-third Degree on February 14, 1975. He was crowned Sovereign Grand Inspector General on July 15, 1975. As an active member of the Supreme Council, he was elected Grand Secretary General on January 1, 1976. His affiliations include AFIFI TEMPLE, A.A.O.N.M.S., and honorary membership in many symbolic lodges. He was also a member of Asoka Conclave No.30, Red Cross of Constantine (Sovereign, 1976), and was conferred the Honorary Legion of Honor by the DeMolay in 1975 for outstanding service in behalf of the Order. He was furthermore an active member of the Rosario Villaruel Chapter No.2, O.E.S. as well as of the Far East Court No.1, Order of the Amaranth. Besides, he was an associate member of Quatour Coronati Lodge No.2076, the premier research Lodge in the world, and the Far East representative of the George Washington National Masonic Memorial in Washington. Margaret L. Protheroe, whom he married on June 1, 1952, provided him silent inspiration and encouraged him to go on despite his heavy schedule. And he went on until he was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. As Grand Master, he said: Masonry has a great deal to offer the world in its idealism. Unfortunately, for many of us, our “labor” has become listening; our “refreshment,” freeloading. Our statement of belief in the brotherhood of man smugly pleases us; but, too often, what is so beautifully phrased in ritual never becomes even a brotherhood of brothers. He issued Edicts that made him quite unpopular. But he stood pat. He made his Edicts as reminders to the Brethren about their duties and responsibilities, for his philosophy was this: Real vitality is to be found, however, in the vigorous mass movements or in the forces that control men’s lives today. Consciously or unconsciously, they have stumbled onto a great truth about human nature. Much as man may talk about the fact that he wants to be let alone, or wants to be alone, what he really wants is to be possessed by something. Probably the “something” he was talking about was the spiritual for Councell was a priest in the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, serving as Rector of St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. Incidentally, he was “possessed” by two hobbies: collecting stamps and the autographs of famous-persons. He was moreover a member of the Kiwanis Club, of Trevonton, Pa. and the Grand Representative of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, 33°, near the Supreme Council of the Philippines. Bill was summoned to the Celestial Lodge on July 20, 1989.
Masonic Year