The Builder… The old Philippine National Bank Building on the Escolta, Manila, once a Masonic Temple and the most impressive structure in Manila, is a monument to the indomitable energy and Masonic loyalty of the man whose efforts made the erection of that building possible: Milton Earle Springer. Not only for the part he played in the building of that Temple, but also for the active role he took in Masonry, is Springer remembered. He was many times over, a Past Master. His Masonic life began on April 29, 1902 when he was raised to the sublime degree of Masonry in Manila Lodge No.1. He served as Senior Deacon and Junior Warden in that Lodge before he became Worshipful Master in 1905-1906. In the Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands, he held office as Junior Grand Warden, 1915-16; Deputy Grand Master, 1916-18; and Grand Master, 1919-20. He was the representative, too, of the Grand Lodges of England, New South Wales, Virginia, and Sasketchewan, Canada, to the Grand Lodge of the Philippine Islands. He was, in addition, elected as Honorary Member of Sinukuan Lodge No. 16 in 1917. Springer was a member of Luzon Chapter No.1. R.A.M., in which he was twice Principal Sojourner and once High Priest, the latter in 1909-20. A member of Oriental Council No.1, Royal and Select Masters, Springer held office therein as Principal Conductor of the Work, Deputy Master, and Illustrious Master, the last in 1916-17. In the Far East Commandery, K. T., he served as Eminent Commander in 1910-11 and held several other important offices. He was Worthy Patron of the Eastern Star, Mayon Chapter No.1, in 1912-13. On August 14,1914, he was knighted in Asoka Conclave No.30, Red Cross of Constantine. He served as Viceroy in 1914-15 and as M.P. Sovereign in 1915-16. He was created a member of Nile Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., of Seattle, Washington, on April 8,1916. And, on December 14,1917, he was anointed into the Holy Order of High Priesthood. For several years, Springer was President of the Masonic Temple Association. He turned the first spade of earth, as well as laid the foundation stone, for the Escolta Temple. For a time, he acted as chairman of the Administrative Council, A. & A.S.R. In the Scottish Rite, Springer was a member of the famous Vanguard Class of 1911. Later, he was Master of all four of the Manila Bodies. He was Wise Master of Manu Chapter, Rose Croix, in 1912-13; Venerable Master of Mt. Arayat Lodge of Perfection in 1913-14; Commander of Confucius Council, Knights of Kadosh, in 1915-16; and Master of Kadosh, Gautama Consistory, in 1916-17. He was elected a Knight Commander of the Court of Honor in October 1913; on May 26, 1917 he was coroneted an Inspector General Honorary of the Supreme Council. Springer, born on August 27,1875 in Lewisberg, Pennsylvania, died in 1944.
Masonic Year